Training Topics
for professional development and parent/community workshops
Behavior Management & Behavior Reduction
Functions of Behavior: Determine, understand, and modify teaching strategies to diminish problem behaviors and increase positive behaviors
ABCs of Difficult Behaviors: Simple data collection and behavior strategies for your classroom
Determine Your Teacher Type - what is your default “mode” and what types of students it works for and what types of students you may need to revise your methods with
Managing one student’s problem behaviors in a whole group setting
It’s not personal: showing compassion to a tough student or parent
Classroom strategies to improve behaviors - group contingencies that work!
Student-Teacher Relationships - why “favorite” teachers seem to have it easier
Behavior charts, reflections, write ups, oh my! What discipline strategies should you implement in your classroom
Say less: Giving Instructions and ongoing communication with learners
Mean what you say: why empty threats and false promises erode instructional control in a classroom
What is instructional control and why do you need it with every student
Data Collection & Goal Setting
Creating a Behavior Intervention Plan and data collection system
Setting realistic and measurable goals for our students
Data collection measures for a busy classroom
Writing measurable IEP objectives & then developing a data collection system
Communication & Collaboration
Giving tough feedback to students and parents: Making intentional and thoughtful decisions when talking to and about your students
How we talk about our students to each other and why it matters
Recommending outside services and talking exceptionalities – when and how and when and how not to
Working as a team – trainings, check ins, and collaboration in your classroom and grade level
Parent communication – when, how, and how often to communicate about concerns with parents
Communication with parents about problem behaviors of small children
Daily communication: examples and recommendations for a happy, informed parent
Verbal Behavior
Naturalistic Teaching opportunities in your classroom
Types of Verbal Behavior
Shape it up: accepting approximations – individualized teaching for a specific learner
Early Learners
Errorless teaching with young learners
1:1 and small group teaching methods
Managing tantrums in a classroom setting
Creating whole group learning opportunities for young learners
Centers and rotations and how to build them for your young learners
Compliance Training
Potty Training
Make and Take Workshops*
Classroom visual supports & schedules
Token economies in the classroom
Behavior Charts and self monitoring
Individual Assessments & Reports
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
Functional Analysis (FA)
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
IEP Goal development & collaboration
And more….
Need individualized trainings for specific topic and/or population. Reach out, if I don’t have the expertise, I’ll direct you to someone who does.
*Client to provide materials or reimbursement for materials